Our Team

photo of loic gambardella

Loïc Gambardella

Passionate about sports, physiotherapist, osteopath, physical trainer... for the past 20 years he has been training and developing an acute understanding of the most innovative and relevant solutions for "human mechanics".

His mantra: "Beyond accidents, injury is never random", keeps him always on the lookout for the root causes of anything linked to body biomechanics.

Séverine Gambardella

photo of david catalan

David Catalan-Hassid

Coming from preparatory classes for the great scientific schools, he turned to performance engineering in sport. Former decathlete medalist at the French championships, athletics trainer, coach and trainer since 2010.

Combining science and field experience for the creation of our algorithms and training methods.

She enjoys sports for how it makes her feel: strong and powerful. Passionate about words and human psychology, she fosters new skills as her professional journey unfolds from her BA Business to naturopathy and copywriting.

She has a never-ending curiosity about nearly anything, the lastest in date being customer retention. Watch out for her emails and app-notifications!

Sylvain Trouvé

A former high-level figure skater who practiced many sports competitively (golf, sailing, skiing, etc.). Starting with his Master’s Degree in Sport Management he’s spent 20+ years in production and project management.

He excels at zooming in and out. Passionate about the details, you can count on him to make sure all processes are refined, from Hubspot journeys to Whimsicals.